Common Issues & Fixes

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Error: Unable to load a data table for TileReplacer. No replacing will occur.

A. This error is benign but it's caused by a deprecated feature that will be removed completely in the future due to it being replaced with a more flexibile system. To fix it, please follow the steps below:

  • Create a new DataTable of type Pixel2DTileReplacerRow.

  • Name it Pixel2DTileReplacer.

  • Go To Edit->Project Settings->Plugins.

  • Select either Pixel 2D or Pixel 2D Topdown.

  • Select your newly created Pixel2DTileReplaces in the Tile Replacer Data Table.

  • Restart the editor.

Issue: My scene is too bright.

A. This is caused by project settings. To fix:

  • Set the scalability settings to low. This can be done by going to the settings menu in the editor and selecting "Scalability Settings".

  • Disable auto exposure in project settings. Auto-exposure is a feature that adjusts the brightness of the scene based on the overall brightness of the scene. This feature can sometimes cause issues with bright textures and bloom. To disable auto exposure, go to the project settings and search for "auto exposure". Then uncheck the box next to "Use Auto Exposure".


Question: How to I change a tilemap that is already present in the scene?

A. Follow these steps:

  • Select the tilemap in your scene by clicking on it.

  • Press the "Edit Tilemap" button, which can be found in the details panel or by right-clicking on the tilemap in the world outliner and selecting "Edit".

  • This will open the tilemap editor, where you can make any changes you want, such as adding or removing tiles, changing the tile properties, or modifying the layout of the tilemap.

  • Once you have made the desired changes, make sure to save the tilemap by clicking on the "Save" button, which can be found in the top right corner of the tilemap editor

Last updated