New Map Set-up

UNREAL ENGINE: This guide is for the Unreal Engine packages and cannot be used as a guide for the Unity packages.

Adding a Virtual Texture Volume

Once the landscape has been created and added to the Map, in order for the landscape auto-material to work correctly, a Runtime Virtual Texture Volume needs to be added to the scene. This can be found in the Place Actors window.

Once the Volume has been added to the scene, select it and for the Bounds Align Actor, choose your existing Landscape.

Under the Virtual Texture drop-down, choose RVT_Landscape.

Once both are selected, press Set Bounds in order to set the Volume to the landscape bounds.

If you make any changes to the landscape bounds(height, length,width), you will need to press the Set Bounds button again in order to get the latest terrain bounds.

Landscape Material & Layers

The easiest way to create a new material is to duplicate the landscape material from the Demo Map.

After it has been duplicated, it needs to be assigned to the landscape material slot.

The next step is to to into Landscape Mode and select the first layer (AutoLandscape) and create a new layer blend.

Pressing the + button near the layer creates a new Weight-Blended Layer.

Once the layer blend has been created, right clicking it opens up the layer options. Selecting Fill layer will paint the entire landscape with the selected layer.

If the process has been successful, the landscape should resemble the image below.

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